Wednesday, April 13, 2011

annyeong chingu...
korang happy ari nie??!!
bgus la..~
but i'm not...
starting from yesterday night untill today
i'm always crying n feel sad n very bad..!!!
nobody can understand me...
n nobody can help me..!!!
firstly,,i can't participate the digi audition...
shit !!! damn !!!
secondly,,i can't go camping...!!!
ahh~i'm too sad n feel bad...
i feel that i'm a useless..!!
y it must happened 2 me???
i can't facing with these situation...!!!
i really want 2 go both of them
but i know that i can't...
if not,,i can go one of them...
but it was my fated...
i just can accepted although it was 2 hurt 4 me...

p/s :: nothing 2 say...i'm gonna crying...!!! :'(


haha,,skema an tittle post aq kli nie...!!
tp itulah hakikatnya...~
but maybe for this one time only...
hehe haha
pd mlenye aq btul2 x ske wat keje dlm kmpln nie...
dh la stu geng ngan joe n miera...
ye,,mmg aq x bape ske ngan miera 2...
sorry 2 say la ea...
knp korang tnye???!!!
mmph...biarlh aq je yg tau...nnt korang ckp pe plak an...
tp,,bru la aq tau yg geng aq 2 mmg best...!!!
ktorang kne wat krngan dlm stu kmpln...
syok gle r bljr...
tp ktorang x kne show pun krje ktorang 2...
huh !!! hampeh btul....!!!
aq pnye la smgt nk show krje aq 2...
dh la ada En.Zarapi...
pling aq x leh bla psal najib...
tnye soalan ntah pape...
mrpek er die 2...wat mlu er kat ckgu zarapi...
tp aq ske sbb itu mnunjukkan yg klas ktorang x prnh bsan bljr...ceh!!!!
part yg pling aq ske jeng jeng jeng !!!!!
siwon,,minhyuk,,role drum please!!!! =)
oh yeah !!! tp bkn la lgu hburan nie...
ktorang nyanyi lgu m'bce gaya wawasan...
sbb pe??? hehe..just sbb ktorang wat krgn psal mmbce la...
it's ok ckgu...*aish,,t'rojak plak..*
asalkan sye dpt nyanyi kre ok la 2....
mnbus kdukaan...ceyt..!!!
tp mmg best gle r lgu 2...
smpai angah n mybe stu klas 3 cakna nk lgu 2...
ahahaha...dhsyat btul..!!!



annyeong chingudeul !!!
sorry sorry la sbb lme dh x update blog nie..
klu aq slalu update pun mcm la korang slalu spy pun an...
huh!!! hmpeh btul!!! huhu
ok,,back to my story...
pe yg trlintas dlm fkran korang ble tgk tittle post kli nie???!!
pe korang ingat aq ske2 nk post psal digi er???
hey,,i'm celcom n maxis user ok...!!!
tp,,celcom 2 dh kne block dh..erm :'(
byk kngan sim kad 2...hehe

smart seyh,,haha..poyo er..!!!
kuning yg mnyinar..ngee!!!~
yg nie sbnrnye psal pncrian bkat bdak sklh...
x sngke plak aq sklh aq trplih...
msti ada yg nk tau aq participate skli ke x an???
hehe,,prasan sndri...!!!!
yg mne bce blog nie,,i think u all already know that i like music n entertainment right???
yes,,i really love them all..they r my world...!!!!
actually,,mmg aq nk msuk sgt2...
bkn pe,,aq just nk tau stkat mne drh seni yg mnglir dlm drh aq nie...!!!
ntah smekan tdak ngan mak aq or fmily yg len an...
mle2 mk aq mmg x brpe nk skong aq msuk nie...
tp lme 2 mk aq cam mkin sruh aq msuk...
yes,,dh dpt restu!!! haha
cam la nk khwin....
tp yg jd prob skrg nie
kne wat prsmbhn dlm 2 hngge 6 org SATU KUMPULAN!!!
pergh,,gle btul r...!!!!
kwn aq dh mmg x nk msuk
erm,,aq nk g ngan spe???!!!
huhu,,i really want to go..!!!!

p/s :: NAK PERGI..!!! I REALLY WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN !!!!!! ARGHH !!!!! NAK G!!!! ='(